Pea Varieties


  New!   AAC Chrome - Yellow   PBR5

AAC Chrome

AAC Chrome is one of the highest yielding yellow pea varieties available.   AAC Chrome has larger seeds than the check varieties with  lodging resistance as good as any of the other varieties in the seed guide. The variety has resistance to powdery mildew, a strong seed coat and has a competitive protein level.

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CDC Inca - Yellow PBR5

Inca Peas - 2018

CDC Inca is a yellow cotyledon, semi-leafless field pea variety.   Improved yield compared to the yellow check varieties.  Good lodging resistance, medium vine length and powdery mildew resistance.  Good seed coat durability and good dimpling.  High yield ceiling pending receptive moisture conditions. 

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CDC Meadow - Yellow

CDC Meadow

CDC Meadow has a semileafless leaf type, good lodging resistance, powdery mildew resistance, medium-sized, round seeds, and good yielding ability.  High yield floor relative to other varieties, meaning it will metabolize drought conditions well, but top yields relative to other high yielding varieties probaly won’t be realized in better conditions. 

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